2010年12月23日 星期四


本小節共計 篇新聞引用,重點分別如下:


Antarctic melt is speeding methane release. 

On a recent trip to the Antarctic Peninsula, Argentine geologist Dr. Rodolfo del Valle witnessed continuous bubbling under certain areas of the water’s surface. Measurements revealed that the bubbles were 99% methane gas.

With ice shelves in Western Antarctica and the Peninsula already noted to be melting due to climate change, the additional release of methane could, due to its potency, accelerate global warming beyond what scientists have described as an irreversible tipping point, leading then to immense Earth changes.

Dr. del Valle is now working to determine the potential impact of this greenhouse gas as he stated, “We believe there is a huge amount of destabilized methane deposits that may leak into the atmosphere and ramp up warming.”

He went on to speak of the changes seen throughout significant periods of geologic history, saying, “Of seven major mass extinctions that erased 90% of the species at the time, five are attributable to climate change, and one in particular – at the Permo-Triassic boundary – could be directly attributable to mass methane release in the Upper Paleozoic.”

Dr. del Valle, we appreciate your work alerting us to this most recent evidence of continued climate change. Let us join in a rapid response to preserve a habitable ecosystem for all beings while we still have time.
Supreme Master Ching Hai has cautioned on previous occasions about the risks of methane release due to global warming, while also highlighting an effective way to stop it, as during a September 2008 interview on the US-based Environmentally Sound Radio.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: You look all that and you see already because the methane gas and hydrogen sulfide are resulted from animal raising, and that produces a lot of toxic gas into the air and it warms the atmosphere, and then the atmosphere melts the ice and the ocean will be warm, and then more methane and other toxins will be released from the bottom of the ocean and permafrost and all that. And then it will be like a devil’s circle. I hope we stop it quick.

If we do not do anything, then we will goto the point of no return. But luckily, because due to many new vegetarian people joining the vegetarian diet, now we have delayed the point of no return.




過去數十年來,有80%的溫室氣體被海洋所吸收,導致水溫愈來愈暖。在新的研究中,美國華盛頓大學(University of Washington)以及海洋大氣管理局(NOAA ,National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration)的研究學者發現,即使是最深、最冷的海水現在也有增溫跡象,其中增溫最快的區域則是南極。過去20年來,在水深1千米的深度以下所測得的氣溫變化增幅並不大,這是因為海洋廣大儲熱容量很大的緣故。如果這些儲存在海洋深處的熱度滯留在大氣中的話,周遭的氣溫將會每10年上升攝氏3度之多。但科學家警告,海水變暖是有副作用的,除了干擾到海洋生態,還會以兩種方式造成海平面的上升:一半是因為海水增溫後體積膨脹;另一半則是因為南極洲的淡水冰層融化後流入海洋所致。

愛爾蘭週日獨立報(Irish Sunday Independent) 09年7月12日所刊載的專訪中,清海無上師表示她相當關切海水增溫的後果,也呼籲全人類採取必要因應措施。

清海無上師:「研究大學、國際聯盟一群科學家發表新發現指出,其實海平面上升和海洋暖化的速度都比兩年前跨政府氣候變遷小組(IPCC, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)所評估的更快。我坐在某個富強的國家,一個有名的大城市的海濱勝地,突然,腦海閃過一個疑問:『天啊,4年後,這個城市還在嗎?』然後我搖頭,我不想預見那種景象。我們最好集中心力想辦法拯救地球,我們還有機會,如果每個人都採取拯救生命的有機純素飲食,如果不現在就開始愛惜生命,展現我們的慈悲心,地球的命運就會一如科學家們所預測的那麼悲慘,海平面大幅上升、毒氣釋出、生物大滅絕,當然也包括人類在內。讓我們一起行動,確保我們想要的未來,留給子孫美好的未來,吃素、環保來救地球!」



科學家懷疑南極冰原的穩定性 - 2010年5月5日

南極有世上90%的冰河淡水量,也一直被認為能抵擋那些讓北極冰帽融化的因素,但新的證據顯示這些廣大的冰原,可能在本世紀出現不穩定,事實上他們已經發現南極冰原過去曾發生迅速的縮退。德國、義大利、美國與紐西蘭的科學家,合作進行的ANDRILL計畫收集的地質資料顯示,南極與格陵蘭的冰原若完全融化,海平面可能上升至少61公尺。從1千1百公尺長的冰芯,檢視2千萬年資料後,美國首席科學家哈伍德博士(Dr. David Harwood)發現,南極冰原過去曾變大與縮退,美國地質學家迪康多博士(Dr. Robert DeConto)接著指出,目前冰原呈現嚴重不穩定的情勢時說︰「我們的模式可能低估危機的嚴重程度,我們看到冰原縮退,比任何模式所預測的更快、變化更多。」感謝迪康多博士、ANDRILL計畫的國際科學家仔細的觀察,讓真相得以呈獻。願世人即刻採取永續的生活,以保存南極與地球生態中的所有生命。 2009年11月在美國首府的視訊會議上,清海無上師再次強調全球暖化(global warming)的緊迫性,也提醒人類有能力來遏止它。



