接下來我們要談到有機食物, And then we talk about organic food.
目前,許多校區其實付擔不起有機食品, Now, most school districts can't really afford organic food,
然而我們,以一個國家的立場 but we, as a nation,
必須開始思考 have to start thinking about
與消費、種植和餵養我們的孩子 consuming, growing and feeding our children
不含化學物質的食物的相關議題了。 food that's not chocked full of chemicals.
我們不能再讓孩子們繼續吃下殺蟲劑、 We can't keep feeding our kids pesticides
除草劑、抗生素及生長激素了。 and herbicides and antibiotics and hormones.
這樣做的後果就是孩子們身體變得越來越差。 And the results of that are kids getting sick.

目前我最大聲疾呼的一個主題就是抗生素。 One of my big soapboxes right now is antibiotics.
在美國有70%的抗生素 70 percent of all antibiotics consumed in America
是用於畜牧業。 is consumed in animal husbandry.
我們每天都在用充滿抗生素的 We are feeding our kids antibiotics
牛肉和其他動物性蛋白質餵養我們的小孩。 in beef and other animal protein every day.
70%,簡直讓人難以置信。 70 percent -- it's unbelievable.
結果就是導致我們生病。 And the result of it is we have diseases.
例如我們無法可治的大腸桿菌, We have things like E. coli that we can't fix,
或是當孩子生病時卻無法改善他們的病況。 that we can't make kids better when they get sick.
抗生素真的被過度濫用了,不僅在醫學上, And, you know, certainly antibiotics have been over-prescribed,
也是食物供應上的重大議題。 but it's an issue in the food supply.
我最喜歡舉的一個例子是 One of my favorite facts is that
美國農業每年要使用 60 萬噸(每噸合 2000 磅重)的殺蟲劑。 US agriculture uses 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides every year.
也就是說我們以及我們的孩子, That means every one of us and our children
每個人平均消耗相當於5磅重(約2.27公斤)的袋裝殺蟲劑, consumes what would equal a five-pound bag --
導致這種結果的原因, because of what goes into our food supply,
是經由食物供應鏈而來的農藥殘留, because of the way we consume
以及我們消耗農產品的方式。 produce in America.
美國農業部核准抗生素、 The USDA allows these antibiotics,
生長激素和殺蟲劑成為我們食物供應鏈中的一環。 these hormones and these pesticides in our food supply,
甚至還幫時代雜誌上的 and the USDA paid for this ad
這則廣告買單。 in Time magazine.
我們可以來談談瑞秋卡森和DDT殺蟲劑, Okay, we could talk about Rachel Carson and DDT,
DDT殺蟲劑危害人體是眾所皆知的事實, but we know it wasn't good for you and me.
然而美國農業部卻准許它存在於我們的食物供應鏈中。 And that is what the USDA allows in our food supply.
這種狀況亟須改變。 And that has to change, you know.
我們不能再將美國農業部的相關規定當成 The USDA cannot be seen as
規範和准許我們餵養小孩哪些食物的 the be all and end all of what we feed our kids
絕對權威。 our kids and what's allowed.
我們也不能盲目相信,農業部會將對我們的最大利益謹記在心。 We cannot believe that they have our best interests at heart.
我們必須真的搞清楚,到底什麼叫做可持續性。 but we have to figure out what sustainability is.
在短短不到200年裡,僅僅不過數代之間, In less than 200 years, you know, just in a few generations,
我們的農民人口比 we've gone from being --
從100%下降到95% being 100 percent, 95 percent farmers
如今甚至不到2%。 to less than 2 percent of farmers.
我們現在根本是住在一個囚犯多於農民的國家 -- We now live in a country that has more prisoners than farmers --
210萬個囚犯, 190萬個農民。 2.1 million prisoners, 1.9 million farmers.
每年我們平均花在一名囚犯身上的費用 And we spend , dollars
高達3,5000美元, on average a year keeping a prisoner in prison
而校區用來供應一名學童膳食的費用? and school districts spend dollars a year
每年500美元。 feeding a child.
也難怪犯罪分子會這麼猖獗了。 It's no wonder, you know, we have criminals.
當前的狀況是,我們的身體越變越差 -- And what's happening is, we're getting sick --
我們自己和我們的孩子變得越來越病懨懨的。 we're getting sick and our kids are getting sick.
原因就出在我們餵孩子吃的食物。 It is about what we feed them.
我們吃了什麼樣的食物就會變成什麼樣子。 What goes in is what we are.
食物和我們的健康是息息相關的。 We really are what we eat.
要是我們繼續因襲以往的陳規, And if we continue down this path,
要是我們繼續餵孩子們吃劣質食物, if we continue to feed kids bad food,
要是我們還不教孩子們去認識什麼是有益健康的食物, if we continue not to teach them what good food is,
那後果會是如何呢?想想看,後果會是如何呢? what's going to happen? You know, what is going to happen?
對於我們整體的醫療制度又將產生什麼樣的後果呢? What's going to happen to our whole medical system?
後果就是, What's going to happen is,
我們下一代的壽命 we're going to have kids
將會遠遠短於我們這一代。 that have a life less long than our own.
疾病管制中心(CDC)的統計數據顯示, The CDC -- the Center for Disease Control --
在西元2000年出生的新生兒當中, has said, of the children born in the year 2000 --
也就是那些今年七、八歲大的小孩, those seven- and eight-year-olds today --
每三個白種人, one out of every three Caucasians,
每兩個非洲裔美國人和每兩個拉美裔中, one out of every two African-Americans and Hispanics,
就有一個會罹患糖尿病。 are going to have diabetes in their lifetime.
如果這還不夠駭人聽聞的話,疾病管制中心進一步指出, And if that's not enough, they've gone on to say,
糖尿病多數出現在這些孩子們高中畢業之前。 most before they graduate high school.
這意味著有40%或45%的 This means that 40 or 45 percent
學齡兒童 of all school-aged children
在未來十年內 could be insulin-dependent
將會對胰島素產生依賴。 within a decade -- within a decade.
這些西元2000年出生的新生兒們 that those children born in the year 2000
很可能成為我國歷史上首見 could be the first generation
壽命短於他們父母輩的世代。 in our country's history to die at a younger age than their parents.
而這一切都要歸咎於我們餵他們吃下的食物。 And it's because of what we feed them.
因為八歲大的孩子沒有權力做決定, Because eight-year-olds don't get to decide,
要是他們有權力做決定的話,你早被送去做心理治療了。 and if they do, you should be in therapy.
我們有責任去決定 You know, we are responsible
孩子該吃些什麼。 for what kids eat.
不過,或許現在這變成這些大財團們的事了。 But oops, maybe they're responsible for what kids eat.