2011年11月13日 星期日



大財團每年要花掉200億美元 Big companies spend 20 billion dollars a year
做為那些以兒童?銷售對象的垃圾食品行銷廣告經費。 marketing non-nutrient foods to kids.
一年200億美元,創造出大多數孩童都會看見的10,000個垃圾食品廣告。20 billion dollars a year. 10,000 ads most kids see.
財團投入500美元 They spend 500 dollars
財團對每一美元的垃圾食物 for every one dollar -- dollars marketing foods
投入500美元做廣告 that kids shouldn't eat -- for every one dollar
塑造成健康、營養的食品。 marketing healthy, nutritious food.
結果搞得孩子們以為 The result of which is kids think they're going to die
他們不吃雞塊就會活不下去似的。 if they don't have chicken nuggets.
大家都認為小孩子就是要盡量多吃點。 You know, that everybody thinks they should be eating more and more and more.
這是美國農業部建議的份量,就這麼小小一丁點。 This is the USDA portion size, that little tiny thing.
而那邊份量加起來比我頭還大的 And the one over there that's bigger than my head
則是麥當勞、漢堡王 is what McDonalds and Burger King
和那些大財團認為我們該吃下的份量。 and those big companies think we should eat.

而他們為什麼可以供應這麼多的份量呢? And why can they serve that much?
為什麼會有售價29美分的大杯飲料 Why can we have 29-cent big gulps
和99美分的雙層漢堡呢? and 99-cent double burgers?
那是由於政府在食品商品化過程中採取的方式, It's because of the way the government commodifies food,
和被傾倒流入我們食品供應鏈中的 and the cheap corn and cheap soy
廉價玉米和大豆, that are pushed into our food supply
種種原因,使得這些垃圾食品 that makes these non-nutrient foods
價格如此低廉。 really, really cheap.
我們真的必須改變 We really need to change
孩子和食物之間的整個關係模式。 this whole paradigm with kids and food.
我們真的應該要告訴孩子 We really have to teach children
雞跟長頸鹿是不一樣的動物。 that chicken is not a giraffe.
蔬菜實際上長得五顏六色,而且滋味豐富, are actually colorful -- that they have flavor,
胡蘿蔔是長在土裡, that carrots grow in the ground,
草莓是長在地上, that strawberries grow in the ground.
世界上沒有草莓樹或胡蘿蔔灌木叢那種東西。 There's not a strawberry tree or a carrot bush.
我們必須改變 You know, we have to change
我們教導孩子這些知識的方式。 the way we teach kids about these things.

我們可以做的事情有很多。 There's a lot of stuff we can do. There's a lot of schools
很多學校正在推行農產品直送學校的計畫。 doing farm-to-school programs. There's a lot of schools
很多學校確實將新鮮食物運用在學校餐點中。 actually getting fresh food into schools.
目前在柏克萊,學校的營養午餐全都是用新鮮食材做成的。 Now in Berkeley, we've gone totally fresh.
我們不用高果糖玉米糖漿, We have no high-fructose corn syrup,
不用反式脂肪,不用加工食品。 no trans fats, no processed foods.
我們每天從食材到成品完全親手烹調。 We're cooking from scratch every day.
25%食材 thank you -- 25 percent of our stuff
是採用當地的有機農產品。我們是真正親力親?的烹調。 is organic and local. We cook.
這是我的手。我每天早上四點起床, Those are my hands. I get up at 4 a.m.
出門去為孩子們準備餐點, every day and go cook the food for the kids,
因為這是我們必盡的責任。 because this is what we need to do.
我們不能再供應那些 We can't keep serving kids
加工過的垃圾食物, processed crap,
充滿化學物質的東西給孩子吃, full of chemicals,
然後還期待他們可以健康的長大成人。 and expect these are going to be healthy citizens.
你也別想指望你的下一代 You're not going to get the next generation
或下下一代還有能力像我們這樣思考了, or the generation after to be able to think like this
要是他們不攝取足夠的營養的話。 if they're not nourished.
如果他們還是繼續這樣吃 If they're eating
充滿化學物質的食物, chemicals all the time,
他們將會喪失思考的能力。 they're not going to be able to think.
也不可能會有聰明的腦袋。 They're not going to be smart.
你知道嗎?這樣下去他們一定會生病。 You know what? They're just going to be sick.
目前我負責教導我們校區裡所有的烹飪課程及 Now I'm in charge of all the cooking classes
園藝課程。 and all the gardening classes in our school district.
這是一份典型的菜單, So this is a typical menu --
上頭列出了當週我們所供應的餐點內容。 this is what we're serving this week at the schools.
你們注意到旁邊的食譜了沒? And you see these recipes on the side?
這些就是孩子們在烹飪課裡學到的菜式。 Those are the recipes that the kids learn in my cooking classes.
上園藝課時,孩子們會實地品嘗各種食材的原味。 They do tastings of these ingredients in the gardening classes.
他們也可以親手種植蔬菜。學校餐廳裡也有供應用這些新鮮蔬菜作成的餐點。 They also may be growing them. And we serve them in the cafeterias.
如果我們想要改變 If we're going to change children's relationship to food,
孩子和學校餐廳裡這些營養可口的食物之間的關係的話。 it's delicious, nutritious food in the cafeterias.
就必須將你們剛剛所看到的烹飪課和園藝課實際操作經驗 Hands-on experience -- you're looking in cooking and gardening classes --
跟課堂上的學術知識兩者加以結合。 and academic curriculum to tie it all together.
講到現在,你們大概也聽得出來我對美國農業部實在不敢恭維, Now you've probably garnered that I don't love the USDA,
他們製定的金字塔更是讓我覺得像是霧裡看花, and I don't have any idea what to do with their pyramid --
我搞不懂為什麼倒金字塔上頭要有一條彩虹。 this upside down pyramid with a rainbow over the top, I don't know.
順著底部一直到彩虹的末端, You know, run up in to the end of the rainbow,
我不知道你們是怎麼看的。所以,我自己設計了一個金字塔。 I don't know what you do with it. So, I came up with my own.
你們可以在我的網站上找到,有英文和西班牙文兩種版本, This is available on my website in English and Spanish,
這是利用視覺的方式來跟孩子們談論食物。 and it's a visual way to talk to kids about food.
小份的漢堡和大顆的蔬菜。 The really tiny hamburger, the really big vegetables.

我們必須讓這一切開始改變。 We have to start changing this.
我們必須讓孩子們了解到 We have to make kids understand
選擇不同的食物會造成多大的改變。 that their food choices make a big difference.
我們開設了烹飪課程,學校裡還有專用的烹飪教室, We have cooking classes -- we have cooking classrooms in our schools,

這麼做之所以意義重大的原因在於 and why this is so important is
我們現在養出了一代, that we now have grown a generation,
或是兩代子女,這些孩子每四頓飯就有一頓 maybe two, of kids where one out of every four meals
是在速食店裡打發的,一頓是在車上吃的, is eaten in fast food, one of every four meals is eaten in a car
另外一頓則是坐在電視或電腦前面解決的。 and one out of every last four meals is eaten in front of a TV or computer.
這些孩子們學到了什麼?家人相聚的時光到哪去了? What are kids learning? Where is the family time?
學習社會化的過程呢?相互商議討論的機會呢? Where is socialization? Where is discussion?
上哪找練習與人交談溝通的機會呢? Where is learning to talk?
我們必須改變這樣的狀況。 You know, we have to change it.

