2011年11月14日 星期一




我的工作經常需要接觸到很多孩子。這些孩子是我在哈林工作時遇到的。 I work with kids a lot. These are kids I work with in Harlem.
EATWISE,意思是「鼓勵聰明飲食的開化覺醒青少年」。 EATWISE -- Enlightened and Aware Teens Who Inspire Smart Eating.
我們得告訴孩子 We have to teach kids
可口可樂和家樂氏果醬餡餅 that Coke and Pop Tarts
都不能算是早餐。 aren't breakfast.
我們得讓孩子明白 We have to teach kids that if they're on a diet
如果他們攝取過多的精製砂糖, of refined sugar,
就會像吸食快克古柯鹼一樣浮躁,坐立難安。 they go up and down, just like if they're on a diet of crack.
我們必須把一切都整合起來。校區裡的每所學校都有堆肥機, And we have to pull it all together. We have composting in all of our schools.
也有資源回收系統。 We have recycling in all of our schools.
你也知道,就是那些我們在家裡也會做 You know, the things that we maybe do at home
而且認為十分重要的事情, and think are so important,
我們在學校裡也應該把它教給小孩。 we have to teach kids about in school.
這些事情應該要讓孩子們能夠深切的去體驗, It has to be so much a part of them
以便孩子們能夠真的對它瞭然於心。 that they really get it.
許多學校都面臨著資金不足的窘境。 Schools are underfunded.
在美國,大部份的學校用在一個孩子身上的年度教育經費 Most schools in America spend less
不到7500美元。 than 7,500 dollars a year teaching a child.
折合下來每小時不到5塊美元。 That comes down to under five dollars an hour.
大多數人是依每小時10塊、15塊美元的行情 Most of you spend 10, 15 dollars an hour
來支付雇用褓母的鐘點費。 for babysitters when you have them.
而教育系統投注在學童身上的費用卻每小時不到5塊美元。 So we're spending less than 5 dollars an hour on the educational system.
如果我們真的想改變現狀, And if we're going to change it,
改變我們餵養小孩的方式, and change how we feed kids,
那我們真的是需要好好的三思了。 we really have to rethink that.
我們必須去教育。 we need to educate.
我們必須去教育孩子們。 We need to educate the kids.
我們必須去教育我們的員工。 We need to educate the staff.
我手下有90個工作人員。 I had 90 employees.
其中應該包括兩名廚師,但是員工裡卻沒有半個人會做菜。 Two were supposed to be cooks -- none could.
而且,到現在狀況也沒有比較改善。 And, you know, I'm not that better off now.
但是我們真的必須去教育。 But we really have to educate.
我們得促使學術機構開始去構思 We have to get academic institutions to start thinking
要怎麼重新教人們學會做菜的方法, about ways to teach people how to cook again,
目前他們當然完全沒想到這件事, because, of course, they don't --
因為在學校和一些機關裡, because we've had this processed food in schools
長期以來供應的都是加工食品。 and institutions for so long.
我們的午餐時間要花40分鐘, We need 40-minute lunches --
而絕大多數學校的午餐時間卻只有20分鐘, most schools have 20-minute lunches --
此外午餐還需要在適當的時間進食。 and lunches that are time-appropriate.
一項剛完成的大型研究調查顯示, There was just a big study done, and so many schools
大部份學校的午餐時間,是訂在早上九點或十點開始, are starting lunch at nine and in the morning --
這根本不是午餐時間。 that is not lunchtime.
這麼做簡直就是瘋了。 You know, it's crazy, it's crazy what we're doing.
請記住, And just remember,
至少要默默的謹記在心, at very least tacitly,
我們就是這樣教在孩子, this is what we're teaching children
讓他們以為這樣做是正確的。 as what they should be doing.
如果我們想要改變現狀, I think if we're going to fix this,
我們應該做的事情之一, one of the things we have to do
就是徹底改變我們 is really change how we have oversight

