2011年11月14日 星期一




全國學校午餐計畫每年支出80億美元 The National School Lunch Program spends 8 billion dollars
做為3千萬名學童的午餐費用。 feeding million children a year.
在這個國家,我們每年消費速食產品的金額 In this country, we're spending billion dollars a year
高達1100億美元。 on fast food.
每年花在減重飲食輔助品的費用 We spend billion dollars a year
也高達1000億美元。 on diet aids.

但我們消費的蔬菜卻只有500億美元, We spend 50 billion dollars on vegetables,
這就是為什麼我們需要那麼多減重飲食輔助品的原因了。 which is why we need all the diet aids.
每年我們用於治療因肥胖所引起的相關疾病 We spend billion dollars a year
費用高達2000億美元, on diet-related illness today,

有9%的孩子罹患第二型糖尿病, with nine percent of our kids having type 2 diabetes --
學校每天實際運用在 That means we spend less than a dollar a day
學童飲食的費用根本不到一美元。 on food for kids in schools --
大多數的學校是80到90美分,在洛杉磯,數字則是56美分。 most schools 80 to 90 cents. In LA, it's 56 cents.

我們每天用在學童午餐的花費居然不到一美元耶。 So we're spending less than a dollar, OK, on lunch.

我並不清楚各位是怎麼想的, Now I don't know about you,
不過我會到星巴克和Pete's這一類的地方用餐, but I go to Starbucks and Pete's and places like that,
在舊金山,特大杯的拿鐵定價是五美元。 and Venti latte in San Francisco is five dollars.
一杯極品咖啡的價格, One gourmet coffee,
一杯, one, is more --
我們花在一杯咖啡的錢,比一整個禮拜學校 we spend more on than we are spending to feed kids
用在學童午餐的費用 for an entire week
還要高。 in our schools.

知道嗎?我們應該感到羞愧。 You know what? We should be ashamed.
我們,身為一個國家, We, as a country, should be ashamed
應該為此感到羞愧。 at that --
這個最富強的國家。 the richest country.
在我們國家, In our country,
最需要健康營養午餐的這群孩童, it's the kids that need it the most,
卻是吃著最劣質的食物。 who get this really, really lousy food.
正是這群有爸爸媽媽、爺爺奶奶、 It's the kids who have parents and grandparents
叔叔阿姨的孩子,甚至負擔不起學校午餐費用 and uncles and aunts that can't even afford
而得吃這種劣質食物。 to pay for school lunch that gets this food.
也同樣是這群孩子 And those are the same kids
正在邁向罹患疾病的道路。 who are going to be getting sick.

這就是那群我們有責任去照顧的孩子啊。 Those are the same kids who we should be taking care of.
我們都有能力去創造出不同的局面。 that we can make a difference.
無論您是和孩子一同用餐, Whether you sit down and eat a meal with your kids,
或者是帶著您的孩子、孫子、 whether you take your kids, or grandchildren,
或是姪子姪女 or nieces and nephews shopping
去逛農夫市場,請務必陪他們一起嘗嘗食物的滋味吧。 to a farmers' market -- just do tastings with them.
坐下來花一點時間好好去關心。 Sit down and care.


